diumenge, 30 de març del 2014

Discs maravellosos amb portades horroroses: Diamonds & Dirt (#1)

Avui estrena d´una nova secció al bloc d´Orphans, on seran protagonistes grans discs que, o bé per mor del pas del temps o bé perque directament la van cagar al moment de publicar-los, tenen uns dissenys de portada absolutament infumables.

NOTA: vos deman que practiqueu el possiblement divertit exercisi de mirar entre els discs que teniu a ca vostra, per veure quin d´ells (entenc que si els teniu és perque la música vos agrada) té la portada més esperpèntica... Ho podeu compartir escrivint a orphans.of.waits@gmail.com

El 30 de març de l´any 1988 (avui fa 26 anys) es publicava:

En realitat a mi me sembla una portada collonuda, però no crec que el minúscul sector de lectores d´Orphans opini el mateix...

En qualsevol cas, quin gran temasso el seu duet amb Rosanne Cash (filla d´en Juanito el de Negro):

WARNING FOR PARENTS (!) el vídeo que veureu a continuació té moments picantons moooolt creíbles (Rosanne and Rodney eren parella aquell temps).
Tampoc té cap desperdici l´estètica capilar dels personatges, en especial la del "cowboy urbà" encarnat per Crowell... 

Fancy meeting you here tonight
It's such a small world
New York ain't my town
I don't come around but once in a while
This is such a surprise to see you
Girl, your looking so good
It's been a long time since you've crossed my mind
It's such a small world
Just one night on the town
I came looking around for something to do
Just a change of my plans on leaving
And I stay around and I run into you
Which just goes to prove it's such a small world
It's such a small world, I've lived alone for awhile
It's such a small world
It feels like I've gone out of style
You and me will always be just looking for something
That's already happened
Years go by
But you and I don't have to look beyond today
Maybe just for tonight
We can turn out the light
Lay your heart on the line
Let go of your mind
You know just what to say, you know just what to do
You still look like the day when I first met you
I'll be gone once again come morning like I've always done
But to see you tonight makes everything right
It's such a small world
Hey, right here you stand
As if it was planned
It's such a small world


Published by
Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, MICHAEL H GOLDSEN INC

2 comentaris:

  1. El pentinat d'en RC no té preu. Quina enveja. Espectacular!


  2. (rebut per email de MAX):

    Ha ha, gran secció! No et faltarà material!!
