dimarts, 10 de desembre del 2013

Happy Birthday, Saint Huck

El 10 de desembre de 1884 se varen publicar per primera vegada les maravelloses Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)

Anècdota: quan Adam Reichmann (cantant de St Louis dels tristament desapareguts Nadine) va venir a actuar a Mallorca al primer Waiting For Waits (juliol 2001) li vaig demanar que per favor em dugués un potet d´aigua del Mississipi per guardar davora els meus llibres d´aventures de Twain. El pobre es veu que quasi va fotre dins el riu quan omplia el potet ("Maaaan, I almost fell into the river"). 
Quin gran tio n´Adam, va quedar enamorat de Fornalutx. La seva web: Adam Reichmann music

pd- Cent anys més tard de la publicació del llibre, en Colau Cova, a.k.a. Nick Cave, inclouria el tema "Saint Huck" al disc From Her To Eternity (publicat l´1 de juny de 1984)

Born of the river,
Born of its ever-changing, never-changing murky water
Oh riverboat just rollin' along through the great great greasy city Huck standing like a Saint, upon its deck
If ya wanna catch a Saint,
then bait ya hook, let's take a walk...

'O come to me!, O come to me!' is what the dirty city
say to Huck... HUCK

woah-woah, woah woah!
woah-woah, woah woah!
Saint Huck! Huck!

Straight in the arms of the city goes Huck,
down the beckonin' streets of op-po-tunity
whistling his favorite river-song...
And a bad-blind nigger at the piano
Buts a sinister blooo lilt into that sing-a-long
Huck senses somthing's wrong!


Yonder go Huck, minus pocket-watch an' wallet gone
Skin shrink-wraps his skeleton
No wonder he gets thinner, what with his cold'n'skinny dinners!
Saint Huck-a-Saint Elvis, Saint Huck-a-Saint Elvis
O you recall the song ya used to sing-a-long
Shifting the river-trade on that ol' steamer
Life is but a dream!


Now Huck whistles and he kneels
and he lays down there
See ya Huck, good luck
A smoke ring hovers above his head
And the rats and the dogs and the men all come
and put a bullet through his eye
and the drip and the drip and the drip of the Mississippi cryin' And Saint Huck hears his own Mississippi just rollin' by him Woah-woah-woah-woah
Saint Huck! Saint Huck! Saint Huck!
Saint Huck! Saint Huck! Saint Huck!

De les 5 "males llavors" d´aquell disc:

dues d´elles van participar al WFW: Mick Harvey (2007-Teatre Xesc Forteza; en col.laboració amb Rudy Sessions) i Hugo Race (2003-ARCA; 2006-Claustre de Muro).

No sé si algú de vosaltres (servidor encara no tenia 10 anys!) va veure Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds el novembre del 84 a Barcelona, quan va tocar per primera vegada a Espanya. 
Circula aquest video per "youtube" del moment on intrepretà Saint Huck:  
Saint Huck/ Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (Sala 666.Barcelona, 23/11/84)

2 comentaris:

  1. Que tiempos aquellos en que Nick Cave dedicaba tiempo a hacer canciones

  2. Y a mentir como un bellaco a la prensa:
