Amb l´esforç de la bona gent de Produccions de Ferro i La Impaciència (agraïments especials a Toni Gomila i Salvador Oliva) i les concesions a darrera hora del manager de Tom Waits, les festes de Sant Antoni podran gaudir d´un espectacular programa doble:
- dues funcions de l´obra teatral "El Cavaller de Negre" (originalment The Black Rider, escrita al seu moment per William S. Burroughs) al Teatre de Manacor (15/01) i al Teatre Sa Congregació de Sa Pobla (16/01).
La setmana que vé s´anunciarà el llistat definitiu d´actors que acompanyaran a Oliva i Gomila.
- dos concerts de Tom Waits amb una mini-orquestra, interpretant la banda sonora original de la mateixa obra (que com sabeu es va publicar l´any 1993 per acompanyar la direcció de Robert Wilson). El primer concert serà al Museu de la Jugueta de Sa Pobla (17/01) i el segón l´ondemà a l´antic local de l´Assistència Palmesana a la Plaça del Pes de sa Palla, que com sabeu un temps va ser seu social del gloriós Atlètic Balear(e)s.
Triple W: Wilson, Waits i William
Les entrades es posaràn a la venda just després de cap d´any, així que estau atent(e)s...
video: "The Black Rider" (T.W.)
Come on along with the Black Rider
We'll have a gay old time
Lay down in the web of the black spider
I'll drink your blood like wine
We'll have a gay old time
Lay down in the web of the black spider
I'll drink your blood like wine
So, come on in it
Ain't no sin take
Take off your skin
And dance around in your bones
Ain't no sin take
Take off your skin
And dance around in your bones
Come on along with the Black Rider
We'll have a gay old time
We'll have a gay old time
Anchors away with the Black Rider
I'll drink your blood like wine
I'll drop you off in Harlem with the Black Rider
Out where the bullets shine
I'll drink your blood like wine
I'll drop you off in Harlem with the Black Rider
Out where the bullets shine
So, come on in it
Ain't no sin
Take off your skin
And dance around in your bones
Ain't no sin
Take off your skin
And dance around in your bones
Come on along with the Black Rider
We'll have a gay old time
We'll have a gay old time
Come on along with the Black Rider
I want your company
Come on along with the Black Rider
I've got just the thing for thee
I want your company
Come on along with the Black Rider
I've got just the thing for thee
I'll have the veal life
A lovely meal
That's how I feel
May I use your skull for a bowl?
A lovely meal
That's how I feel
May I use your skull for a bowl?
Come on a along with the Black Rider
We'll have a gay old
We'll have a gay old
We'll have a gay old
We'll have a gay old
We'll have a gay old
We'll have a gay old
We'll have a gay old
We'll have a gay old
We'll have a gay old
We'll have a gay old time
We'll have a gay old
We'll have a gay old time
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