El 10 de desembre de 1884 se varen publicar per primera vegada les maravelloses Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)
Anècdota: quan Adam Reichmann (cantant de St Louis dels tristament desapareguts Nadine) va venir a actuar a Mallorca al primer Waiting For Waits
(juliol 2001) li vaig demanar que per favor em dugués un potet d´aigua
del Mississipi per guardar davora els meus llibres d´aventures de
Twain. El pobre es veu que quasi va fotre dins el riu quan omplia el potet ("Maaaan, I almost fell into the river").
Quin gran tio n´Adam, va quedar enamorat de Fornalutx. La seva web: Adam Reichmann music
pd- Cent anys més tard de la publicació del llibre, en Colau Cova, a.k.a. Nick Cave, inclouria el tema "Saint Huck" al disc From Her To Eternity (publicat l´1 de juny de 1984)
Born of the river,
Born of its ever-changing, never-changing murky water
Oh riverboat just rollin' along through the great great greasy city Huck standing like a Saint, upon its deck
If ya wanna catch a Saint,
then bait ya hook, let's take a walk...
'O come to me!, O come to me!' is what the dirty city
say to Huck... HUCK
woah-woah, woah woah!
woah-woah, woah woah!
Saint Huck! Huck!
Straight in the arms of the city goes Huck,
down the beckonin' streets of op-po-tunity
whistling his favorite river-song...
And a bad-blind nigger at the piano
Buts a sinister blooo lilt into that sing-a-long
Huck senses somthing's wrong!
Yonder go Huck, minus pocket-watch an' wallet gone
Skin shrink-wraps his skeleton
No wonder he gets thinner, what with his cold'n'skinny dinners!
Saint Huck-a-Saint Elvis, Saint Huck-a-Saint Elvis
O you recall the song ya used to sing-a-long
Shifting the river-trade on that ol' steamer
Life is but a dream!
Now Huck whistles and he kneels
and he lays down there
See ya Huck, good luck
A smoke ring hovers above his head
And the rats and the dogs and the men all come
and put a bullet through his eye
and the drip and the drip and the drip of the Mississippi cryin' And
Saint Huck hears his own Mississippi just rollin' by him
Saint Huck! Saint Huck! Saint Huck!
Saint Huck! Saint Huck! Saint Huck!
De les 5 "males llavors" d´aquell disc:
dues d´elles van participar al WFW: Mick Harvey (2007-Teatre Xesc Forteza; en col.laboració amb Rudy Sessions) i Hugo Race (2003-ARCA; 2006-Claustre de Muro).
No sé si algú de vosaltres (servidor encara no tenia 10 anys!) va veure Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds el novembre del 84 a Barcelona, quan va tocar per primera vegada a Espanya.
Circula aquest video per "youtube" del moment on intrepretà Saint Huck:
Saint Huck/ Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (Sala 666.Barcelona, 23/11/84)
Que tiempos aquellos en que Nick Cave dedicaba tiempo a hacer canciones
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