Nic Jones va veure la seva carrera truncada uns anys després de firmar l´obra mestra Penguin Eggs(publicada al 1980)...
...per culpa d´un accident de tràfic al qual no va morir de miracle.
Amb l´inestimable ajuda de la seva dona, Julia Jones, i una enorme força de voluntat, trenta anys després va aconseguir tornar pujar als escenaris, a banda de rebre nombrosos reconeixaments.
Especialment emotiva fou la recullida del premi folk singer of the year de la BBC Radio 2, el passat 30/01/2013 (veure vídeo AQUÍ). Acompanyat del seu fill, l´humild Nic va començar el seu discurs d´agraïment citant el títol d´una maravellosa cançó de Roy Harper (de qui també es xerrarà bastant a Orphans Of Waits):
"Això se comença a semblar a quan un vell jugador de cricket abandona l´àrea..."
Pel playlist capricorni no he triat la millor cançó d´ Ous de Pingüí, però sí la que més li agrada ballar al meu fill:
Un tema tradicional de mariners plé d´ironia, fantàsticament frassejat per Jones, amb bon acompanyament d´acordió i, com no, el seu reconegut mestratje en la guitarra acústica.(Quan pagaria per haver-lo escoltat en directe!)
CAPRITrack #11 - "Barrack Street"
Nic Jones (09/01/1947 - Kent, U.K.)
All sailors all come lend an ear, come listen to me song
A trick of late was played on me and it won't detain you long
I come from sea the other day and a girl I chanced to meet
Oh me friends will be expecting me to a dance in Barrack Street
I said "My young fair maid, I cannot dance so well"
"Besides I am to Windsor bound where are me friends do dwell"
"In to see the party, as I've saved up thirty pounds"
"Me friends will be expecting me this night in Widsor town"
"Well if you cannot dance me love then you will stand a treat"
"Have a glass or two of brandy and a something for to eat"
"At six o'clock this evening I'll meet you off the train"
"So don't forget to give a call when you come to town again"
At eight o'clock that evening, then, the drinking did begin
And when we all had drunk our fill the dancing did begin
Me and me love danced all around to a merry tune
She says, "Me dear, let us retire to a chamber alone"
So dancing being over and to bed we did repare
And there I fell fast asleep the truth I will declare
Me darling with me thirty pounds gold watch and chain had fled
Left me here poor Jack alone, stark naked in bed
So I looked all around me and there's nothing I could spy
But a woman's shirt and apron all on the bed did lie
I wrung me hands and tore me hair crying oh what shall I do?
Fare thee well, sweet Windsor town, I'm sure I'll never see you
Well, everything being silent and the hour but twelve o'clock
I put on the shirt and apron and steered for Crowman's Wharf
The captain says "Now Jack, I thought you were to Windsor bound"
"You might have got a better suit than that for thirty pound"
I might have got a better suit if I'd had got the chance
I met a girl in Barrack Street she took me to a dance
I danced me own destruction now I'm struck from head to feet
Swear that I won't go no more down in Barrack street
So all of you young sailor lads a warning take from me
Beware of all your company when you go out on a spree
And keep clear of Barrack Street or else you'll rue the day
In a woman's shirt and apron, oh, they'll bring you out to sea
Happy Birthday ´old cricketer´ Nic!
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