diumenge, 16 de febrer del 2014

John Tams - Cors de Carbó

Sa primera vegada que vaig poder veure un concert de folk anglés per puristes va ser John Tams amb una banda maravellosa (menció especial al guitarrista Graeme Taylor) a la sala The Borderline de Londres al novembre de l´any 2000 
(sala on vaig fer feina a taquilla els caps de setmana entre el 2000 i el 2005, i que fou responsable directíssima de gran part de la programació de les cinc primeres edicions del Waiting For Waits).

Avui, diumenge 16 de febrer, John celebra el seu 65 aniversari. Així que per celebrar-ho vos deix amb la millor cançó del disc Unity que es va publicar aquell any 2000 a l´enciclopedic segell folk Topic Records (i que li va valer a J.T. el doble premi BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards Best Album & Best Song; poca broma!).

Si no veus el vídeo de la cançó "Harry Stone (Hearts Of Coal)"  que hi ha a continuació, pots fer clic ->AQUÍ per un enllaç directe a youtube

Lyrics to Harry Stone (Hearts Of Coal) :
Harry Stone was a miner born
He worked to win his wages
Riding down the cages
And raging at the seams
He worked his stall from dusk till dawn
Sweet sweat and raw endeavour
Black diamonds bound together
By a strong and simple means
He met a girl from Ironville
He promised he would love her
He'd put no-one above her
At last they went to town
He promised he would love her
Til the blackbirds stopped their singing
The mission bell stopped ringing
And they closed the coal pit down
Where are you tonight now we need you
Left out in the cold - cold
Where are you tonight now we need you
They broke the hearts of coal
Hearts of coal
They raised their children chapel proud
The lamb and the flag to guide them
They each strove to provide them
With a sense of right from wrong
And when the strikes and lock-outs came
And bare-foot hunger tried them
All hopes were denied them
Their unity held strong
Forty years of coal-dust
Is a lot of pain to carry
It made a cripple out of Harry
But his family came and took up his tools
And they faced the Orgreave cavalry
While the world looked on and wondered
Their right to work was plundered
By the statesman-ship of fools
The 'Enemy Within' they cried
And the boney finger pointed
Dripping gold from the anointed
At the beggar and her bowl
And just like the Union said he would
The axeman came in dancing
His psychopathic prancing
Chopped out the hearts of coal
He promised he would love her
Til the blackbirds stopped their singing
The mission bells stopped ringing
And they closed the coal pit down

Happiest Birthday Master Tams!


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