divendres, 13 de juny del 2014

Diferents maneres d´esperar Tom Waits

Ahir vaig rebre i borrar una circular de yahoo que reclamava "La espera ha terminado. A por ellos" (supòs que xerraven del debut d´Espanya avui al mundial de Brasil).

Xerrant d´espera, no sé si sabíeu que ja a l´any 1979 el saxofonista Richie Cole i el cantant de jazz Eddie Jefferson varen composar i gravar una cançó que es deia "WAITIN´ FOR WAITS" per un disc que es titularía...

Un disc (com veis de portada horrorosa) que era i és ben mal de trobar...si el voleu nou de trinca, a data d´avui a la web anglesa d´Amazon un venedor japonés en demana 632 lliures esterlines! (i de segona mà no el trobareu per menys de 20 eur).

Tornant al tema de "la espera ha terminado", la diferència entre la cançó Waitin´ For Waits i el festival mallorquí Waiting For Waits és que n´Eddie només va haver de cantar un parell de minuts fins que als darrers 20 segons del tema apareixía la veu de caçalla de T.W. , mentres que noltros li vam fer sa pilota durant 10 anys (2001 a 2010), i el californià mai va aparéixer per Mallorca...

 WAITIN’ FOR WAITS (Cole / Jefferson) - 1979  
Richie Cole: Alto saxophone; Bruce Forman: Guitar; Dick Hindman: Piano; Bob Magnusson: Bass; Les DeMerle: Drums; Eddie Jefferson: Vocals; Tim Hauser: Vocals; Alan Paul: Vocals; Janis Siegel: Vocals; Cheryl Bentyne: Vocals; Tom Waits: Voice on the last 20 seconds.
Produced by Tim Hauser

Waitin´ for Waits
I think his music's great
His stories are true
And pure as pure can be, I tell ya

Always in style
He'll melt you with his smile
I'm waitin' for Waits
Waitin' for Waits
Waitin' for Waits

The piano has been drinking
I heard Tom Waits singing
Yes, (?) the piano's drunk, not me
He's a killer

Sure loves to swing
The truth flows when he swings
So don't hesitate
Never be late
Listen to Waits

Godfather, tell us how you feel
[scat sings]
Hey, Tom Waits
Won't you come in and sing your song for me
We'll find you
Straight to the top of the piano, wait and see

Oh, Tom Waits
You're just the thing, a boppin' cat like me

The piano has been drinking
I heard Tom Waits singing
Yeah, (?) the piano's drunk, not me
He's a thriller

Sure loves to swing
The truth flows when he'll sing
So don't hesitate
Listen to Waits
Mister Tom Waits

So listen to Waits
Listen to Tom
Mister Tom Waits

You better come soon
Eddie Jefferson's waited too long  

-i noltros qué?. deu anys!-
Where's Tom Waits, man?

"Oh, Eddie baby, I'm sorry, man,
I'm deeply apologetic, man.
I tried to make the gig, man,
but I ended up on the corner of Heartattack and Vine, man,
with this little bitch named Lola, see.
We was drinkin' some green Chartreuse in a (?) little joint called Dupree's Paradise.
Had a couple of Highballs, see man.
Ended up at a little rib joint for some barbecue, man.
I'm sorry, I lost track of time.
I mean, I'm sorry I missed the gig, man... "  

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