Happy Birthday, sweet Devon!
Devon Sproule va néixer el 23 d´abril de l´any 1982 a Kingston (Ontario).
Va ser segurament l´artista més simpàticament carismàtica que va passar pel Waiting For Waits.
El mateix dia que actuava al Centre de Cultura "Sa Nostra" de Palma (juliol 2008), l´esperat Tom Waits ho feia al Fórum de Barcelona; anècdota que dona peu a una de les preguntes que li hem fet per recordar el seu pas per Mallorca.
(Per cert: fantàstica la versió que Devon va interpretar, acompanyada de l´excel.lent instrumentista B.J. Cole, del tema de Waits "Filipino Boxspring Hog"...quina llàstima no tenir-la enregistrada...o sí que la tenim, Rafa Rigo!?)
NOTA: si voleu una traducció de l´entrevista,
escriviu a orphans.of.waits@gmail.com
-Orphans Of Waits: What are your memories of that show in Mallorca?. Please remind us what Tom Waits cover you played and why…
-Devon Sproule: I
remember jamming with BJ Cole in the dressing room before the show, and
buying some beautiful leather sandals on the street that day that gave
me the worst blisters ever. I played "filipino box
spring hog" (del sublim disc Mule Variations de TW) …I can't remember why, I must have just liked it. I have a
rough sketch of it I did in England, right after I learned it, before
we flew over to Spain.
-O.O.W. Did you know that at the same time you were onstage in Palma, Tom Waits was playing in Barcelona one of his first ever shows in Spain?
-D.S. I had no idea! Very cool.
-O.O.W. Are you still in touch with B.J. Cole for your UK tours?. What a great guy!
-D.S. Indeed! I
saw him last time I was in London. He's always doing some cool shit, and he's so supportive.
Devon amb B.J. Cole al Cambridge Folk Festival del 2008,
el mateix estiu que actuaren a Palma
-O.O.W. Would you like Orphans Of Waits to post one of your songs on your birthday and use it for a Taurus-playlist cd?
-D.S. Of course, I'd be honored . We're putting out a new EP this summer…how about a song from that? The song's called "Listen to This"...
-O.O.W. New album in mind after Colours?
-D.S. Yes, the EP I mentioned above! A few songs from the Colours session and a few newer… thanks for asking!
Un nou tema de l´encantadora Devon Sproule, que esper animi a qualque promotor local de l´illa per convidar-la a tocar els temes del seu esmentat nou treball (l´octubre serà per Londres…)
Lady TAURUS-Track #2:
Lady TAURUS-Track #2:
Hey Devon: could you email me the lyrics or post them in the comments section?. Can´t find them on internet!
(cool haircut on the video, by the way!)
pd (25 abril)- lletra rebuda avui per email de Devon Sproule):
lyrics, yes!! thanks for the lovely post…
Listen to This
Listen to this.
We were walking,
Watching blackbirds
Filling a tree like water
Filling a teacup.
Listen to this.
Eventually, the tree was filled
And spilling over into the snow.
I wanted to video.
Eventually the stream slowed.
But the kids were excited,
So we kept walking,
Watching backwards.
The flock took off.
The sound was unreal.
Listen to this.
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