M´he enterat gràcies a la quintaesencial Ruta 66 que avui és el 61 aniversari de la molt ben conservada Kim Gordon.
Per ser políticament incorrectes i emprenyar un poc n´Ignasi Julià (je,je,je), il.lustrarem l´aniversari de l´icònica baixista de les "Juventudes Só...nicas" amb unes quantes fotografíes on la varen pillar in fragantti sense texans foradats ni vestidets "cumbaya"...
El vídeo de la Lady Taurus Track del dia (#6 de la playlist) mostra una estètica diferent de na Gordon:
"KOOL THING" (Sonic Youth; 1990)
Kool Thing sittin' with a kiddie
Now you know you're sure lookin' pretty
Like a lover not a dancer
Superboy take a little chance here
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
Kool Thing let me play it with your radio
Move me, turn me on, baby-o
I'll be your slave
Give you a shave
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
[Chuck D]
Yeah, tell'em about it,
Hit'em where it hurts
Hey, Kool Thing, come here, sit down beside me.
There's something I go to ask you.
I just wanna know, what are you gonna do for me?
I mean, are you gonna liberate us girls
From male white corporate oppression?
Tell it like it is!
Don't be shy
Word up!
Fear of a female planet?
Fear of a female planet?
Fear, baby!
I just want to know that we can still be friends
Come on, come on, come on, come on let everybody know
Kool thing, kool thing
When you're a star, I know you'll fix everything
Now you know you're sure lookin' pretty
Rock the beat just a little faster
Now I know you are the master
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
Kool thing walkin' like a panther
Come on and give me an answer
Kool thing walkin' like a panther
What'd he say?
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
Kool Thing sittin' with a kiddie
Now you know you're sure lookin' pretty
Like a lover not a dancer
Superboy take a little chance here
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
Kool Thing let me play it with your radio
Move me, turn me on, baby-o
I'll be your slave
Give you a shave
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
[Chuck D]
Yeah, tell'em about it,
Hit'em where it hurts
Hey, Kool Thing, come here, sit down beside me.
There's something I go to ask you.
I just wanna know, what are you gonna do for me?
I mean, are you gonna liberate us girls
From male white corporate oppression?
Tell it like it is!
Don't be shy
Word up!
Fear of a female planet?
Fear of a female planet?
Fear, baby!
I just want to know that we can still be friends
Come on, come on, come on, come on let everybody know
Kool thing, kool thing
When you're a star, I know you'll fix everything
Now you know you're sure lookin' pretty
Rock the beat just a little faster
Now I know you are the master
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
Kool thing walkin' like a panther
Come on and give me an answer
Kool thing walkin' like a panther
What'd he say?
I don't wanna, I don't think so
I don't wanna, I don't think so
rebut per email de Ignasi Julià (Ruta 66):
Salut, Tomeu!
Na KIm Gordon hauria de ser la pròxima presidenta d'Estats Units.
ResponEliminaVisca els Tauros...
Eliminadon per fet que na kim és la teva cantant(baixista) taure favorita, de manera que entres al concurs del sorteig del cd que farem quan acabi el mes de tan noble signe del zodíac...el signe de la teva recien nada Marina! (congratulations again)