Avui fa deu anys que na Maria m´aguanta, me soporta i m´estima! (agraïment especial a Eva Mulet de la desapareguda Fundació "Sa Nostra", que ens va fer de Celestina...)
A continuació el primer vídeo-audio del dia dedicat a la mare del meu fill:
Richard Thompson - FOR THE SAKE OF MARY
For the sake of Mary I kicked the reds
Junked the juice, I drink coffee instead
Straightened my teeth, bent my back
Cut my friends dead from the old rat-pack
For Mary
She bought me this silk suit, watch and chain
She put the rhythm in my stride again
She showed me the way to make her feel good
If I could do more then I surely would
For Mary. Ah, for Mary.
For the sake of Mary I played my hand
She still don't trust me to be her man
I say the right thing but my timing's bad
She thinks I'm like the rest, but I'm the best she's ever had
For the sake of Mary
For the sake of Mary
Oh I was cook first class on the Belfast B
But when she sailed she sailed without me
In Needle Pete's I got my last tatoo
In bleeding letters of red and blue
For Mary
Ah, for Mary
For the sake of Mary I changed my drift
I got a good job on the graveyard shift
She set her heart on a pretty little place
I want to see the tears of joy on her face, oh-oh
For the sake of Mary
For the sake of Mary I keep the flame
I don't want to be a villain again
She had her bad times and it shook her about
I don't want to take the easy way out, no, no
For the sake of Mary
For the sake of Mary
For the sake of Mary
For the sake of Mary
For the sake of Mary
Aquesta cançó fou inclosa fa dos anys al llençament #1 del segell pirata Orphans Of Waits, novament amb portada dissenyada amb ajuda de Frederic Melis:
A banda del tema de Richard Thompson, al disc hi havia una maravellosa cançó de l´aquests dies extensament recordat al bloc Townes Van Zandt, en dues versions diferents que vos deix a continuació.
NOTA: si vols participar en el sorteig d´una còpia del disc pirata For The Sake Of Mary deixa un comentari explicant quina de les dues versions t´agrada més... o bé explica per qué incomprensiblement t´agrada més en Leonard Coent que en TVZ.
versió #1 "Quicksilver Daydreams Of Maria"
(disc For The Sake Of The Song, 1968)
(disc For The Sake Of The Song, 1968)
versió #2 "(Quicksilver Daydreams Of) Maria"
(disc Townes Van Zandt, 1970)
Well, the diamonds fades quickly when matched to the face of Maria
All the harps they sound empty when she lifts her lips to the sky
the brown of her skin makes her hair seem a soft golden rainfall
that spills from the mountains to the bottomless depths of her eyes
Well, she stands all around me her hands slowly sifting the sunshine
all the laughter that linger down deep 'neath her smilin' is free
Well, it spins and it twirls like a hummingbird lost in the morning
and caresses the south wind and silently sails to the sea
Ah, the sculptor stands stricken and the artist he throws away his brushes
when her image comes dancin' the sun she turns sullen with shame
And the birds they go silent the wind stops his sad mournful singing
when the trees of the forest start gently to whisper'in her name
So as softly she wanders I'll desperately follow her footsteps
and I'll chase after shadows that offer a trace of her sight
Ah, they promise eternally that she lays hidden within them
but I find they've deceived me and sadly I bid them goodbye
So the serpent slide softly away with these moments of laughter
and the the old washy woman has finish her cleanin' and gone
but the bamboo hang heavy in the bondage of quicksilver daydreams
and a lonely child longingly looks for a place to belong
All the harps they sound empty when she lifts her lips to the sky
the brown of her skin makes her hair seem a soft golden rainfall
that spills from the mountains to the bottomless depths of her eyes
Well, she stands all around me her hands slowly sifting the sunshine
all the laughter that linger down deep 'neath her smilin' is free
Well, it spins and it twirls like a hummingbird lost in the morning
and caresses the south wind and silently sails to the sea
Ah, the sculptor stands stricken and the artist he throws away his brushes
when her image comes dancin' the sun she turns sullen with shame
And the birds they go silent the wind stops his sad mournful singing
when the trees of the forest start gently to whisper'in her name
So as softly she wanders I'll desperately follow her footsteps
and I'll chase after shadows that offer a trace of her sight
Ah, they promise eternally that she lays hidden within them
but I find they've deceived me and sadly I bid them goodbye
So the serpent slide softly away with these moments of laughter
and the the old washy woman has finish her cleanin' and gone
but the bamboo hang heavy in the bondage of quicksilver daydreams
and a lonely child longingly looks for a place to belong
La resta de temes inclosos al disc For The Sake Of Mary els podeu consultar a la següent contraportada:
Gracias por la información!
ResponEliminaAl Cd aquest del 8è aniversari et falta la cançó Madeleine-Mary de Bonnie Prince Billy, Proud Mary i Mary in the Morning D'Elvis, All blues Hail Mary de Joe Henry, Mary had a little lamb de Stevie ray Vaughan, i sobretot i com a fi de festa Wedding Dress Mary del nostre Tom Russell...Però ja vindrà el CD del 10è anniversari...Molts i musicals anys!!!!
ResponEliminaJo inclouria, Proud mary de la Creedence. Si el nom del teu grup és "Fe en el regreso del agua pura", es mereix estar en qualsevol recopilatori .
Una abraçada
ResponEliminavos agraeixo suggerències, però pel volum II de for the sake of mary, canviarem un poc el registre: enlloc de cançons que inclouen "mary", "marie" o "maria" seran cançons cantades per...na mary lorson, na mary lee´s corvette, na miren iza (tulsa), etc
però bé, com ho hi ha volum II sense volum III i na maria té una paciència amb mi de santa, se pot mirar...
Sempre he volgut tenir un nom a qui se li hagués dedicat una cançó, com la tenen les Sara, Gloria, Maria/Mary, Michelle, Carmen. Tenia Immaculate fools, però no era això. Un dia, escoltant Más guapa que cualquiera de J. Sabina, vaig sentir que deia el meu nom. Quina emoció! Vaig tornar a escoltar amb atenció. Els versos eren “Se llamaba Inmaculada aquella puta, que curaba el sarampión de los reclutas, coleccionaba nubes de verano, velos de tul roídos por gusanos.”. He deixat de cercar… Tenc una Violeta Traviatta a casa i és suficient.
ResponEliminaNo signaré, així serà anònim...
immaculada: t´assegur que molen més els immaculate fools que en tomeu penya (maldament en pep toni olivetti me renyi per dir-ho).
ResponEliminajo volia fer com n´steve earle i posar-li al meu fill "townes" de segón nom. al cap i a la fi vaig conéixer na maria gràcies a aquell homenatge a van zandt.
però imagina´t els professors en vaga pel TIL pronunciant "townes"...seria horrorós!
També m'estim més els IF que en TP.
ResponEliminaTomeu Townes, m'encanta! Li havies d'haver posat. És un nom de pel·lícula.