Continuant amb el repàs als millors discs de 1974, avui fa 40 anys es publicava l´elepé més pletòric dels canalles Ian Hunter & cia, amb aquesta fantàstica portada...
The Hoople (by Mott The Hoople)
...i aquest grandiós single:
"The Golden Age Of Rock ´N Roll"
(a continuació vídeo d´una actuació al seu dia al Guitar Heroes de la BBC Four)
Ladies and gentlemen
The golden age of rock and roll....
Everybody hazy, shell-shocked and crazy
Screaming for the face at the window
Jeans for the genies, dresses for the dreamies
Fighting for a place in the front row
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh
(It’s good for your body, it’s good for your soul)
Ohhh, ohhh, let’s go!
(It’s the golden age of rock and roll)
Well you getta little buzz, send for the fuzz
Guitars getting higher and higher
The dude in the paint thinks he’s gonna faint
Stoke more coke on the fire
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh
(You gotta stay young, you can never grow old)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s the golden age of rock and roll)
The golden age of rock and roll will never die
As long as children feel the need to laugh and cry
Don’t wanna smash - want a smash sensation
Don’t wanna wreck - just recreation
Don’t wanna fight - but if you turn us down
We’re gonna turn you around
Don't mess with the sound
The show’s gotta move, everybody groove
There ain’t no trouble on the streets now
So if the going gets rough
Don’t you blame us
You ninety-six decible freaks
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh
(It’s good for your body, it’s good for your soul)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s the golden age of rock and roll)
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh
(You gotta stay young, you can never grow old, it's the golden age of rock and roll)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s good for your body, it’s good for your soul)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s the golden age of rock and roll)
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh
(You gotta stay young, you can never grow old, it's the golden age of rock and roll)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s good for your body, it’s good for your soul)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s the golden age of rock and roll)
That’s all
The golden age of rock and roll....
Everybody hazy, shell-shocked and crazy
Screaming for the face at the window
Jeans for the genies, dresses for the dreamies
Fighting for a place in the front row
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh
(It’s good for your body, it’s good for your soul)
Ohhh, ohhh, let’s go!
(It’s the golden age of rock and roll)
Well you getta little buzz, send for the fuzz
Guitars getting higher and higher
The dude in the paint thinks he’s gonna faint
Stoke more coke on the fire
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh
(You gotta stay young, you can never grow old)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s the golden age of rock and roll)
The golden age of rock and roll will never die
As long as children feel the need to laugh and cry
Don’t wanna smash - want a smash sensation
Don’t wanna wreck - just recreation
Don’t wanna fight - but if you turn us down
We’re gonna turn you around
Don't mess with the sound
The show’s gotta move, everybody groove
There ain’t no trouble on the streets now
So if the going gets rough
Don’t you blame us
You ninety-six decible freaks
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh
(It’s good for your body, it’s good for your soul)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s the golden age of rock and roll)
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh
(You gotta stay young, you can never grow old, it's the golden age of rock and roll)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s good for your body, it’s good for your soul)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s the golden age of rock and roll)
Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh
(You gotta stay young, you can never grow old, it's the golden age of rock and roll)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s good for your body, it’s good for your soul)
Ohhh, ohhh, whoooa
(It’s the golden age of rock and roll)
That’s all
Aquí un fans de Mott the Hoople y de los discos en solitario de Ian Hunter (que siempre tiene tres o cuatro canciones de aupa)
ResponEliminaEn este disco también salía Crash Street kidds, que dio nombre a un grupo que sacó un sólo disco (Little girls) que es de mis más favoritos
Y hablando de Mott The Hoople, tienen una versión del "so sad" de los everly brothers, que es una mezcal perfecta entre Roy Orbison y los Jayhawks
I wish i was your mother.....
Bones Pepe,
EliminaIan Hunter ja té anunciada gira per Uk septembre i octubre amb The Rant Band.
Aprofit per donar-te avui s´enhorabona per partida doble:
-com a soci promotor de Rudy Sessions per haver contractat l´històric Graham Parker per actuar a Palma el setembre
-com a soci barralet que ets: per s´hipervaluós empat a sero avui jugant a ca vostra (autèntica oda al futbol d´atac)