"Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't."
Margaret Thatcher (buuuf!)
(idò qualque vegada tenia raó, que voleu que vos digui...
to be honest, Maggie was sometimes right...)
Com suposadament el bloc musical d´Orphans Of Waits perdurarà alguns anys, aquesta és només una primera entrega de cançons interpretades per dones maravelloses que ens van ajudar a esperar a Tom Waits a Mallorca (primera entrega: les darreres edicions del WFW => 2010, 2009 i 2008)
1) Carla Kihlstedt (violinista de Tin Hat) - WFW2010 i 2005
vídeo-audio #1 - Tin Hat interpretant "Clap Hands" de Tom Waits:
2) Dayna Kurtz - WFW2010, 2007 i 2004
Una de les dues muses del WFW (juntament amb Lisa Germano).
Única artista en l´història del WFW que va actuar 4 vegades amb 3 sold-out! (a Muro al 2004, al conservatori de Palma a principis del 2007 i al Xesc Forteza a finals del 2007; la seva darrera actuació al WFW va ser al Teatre Principal de Palma al febrer de 2010).
Agraïment especial a Ignasi Julià (Ruta 66 - Tiempos de Rock & Roll) que a finals del 2003 va xerrar-li a Dayna del nostre festival, considerant-la una artista idònea per actuar-hi...va encertar de plé! (te dec una bona comisió, Ignasi, je,je)
vídeo-audio #2 el preciós tema de Dayna "Love Gets In The Way":
i've made love with one eye on the door
i've left good rooms with nothing to say
i wanted to love them
but love got in the way
i wanted to love them
but love gets in the way
and so what if everything's changed
and so what if i've held out for more
i'm all wild in places i wasn't before
i'm wild in places where i wasn't before
so come on and make a mess of me
i won't walk away
i'm ready as i'll ever be
i won't walk away
i want to be fed by you
i want to be led by you
i thought i wanted freedom
but love got in the way
i went looking for freedom
but love got in the way
so come on and make a mess of me
i won't walk away
i'm ready as i'll ever be
i won't walk away
i've left good rooms with nothing to say
i wanted to love them
but love got in the way
i wanted to love them
but love gets in the way
and so what if everything's changed
and so what if i've held out for more
i'm all wild in places i wasn't before
i'm wild in places where i wasn't before
so come on and make a mess of me
i won't walk away
i'm ready as i'll ever be
i won't walk away
i want to be fed by you
i want to be led by you
i thought i wanted freedom
but love got in the way
i went looking for freedom
but love got in the way
so come on and make a mess of me
i won't walk away
i'm ready as i'll ever be
i won't walk away
3) Elana James (cantant i violinista de Hot Club Of Cowtown) WFW2009
Anècdota divertida: els membres de Hot Club Of Cowtown es van salvar de pagar excés d´equipatge amb easyjet (sleazyjet que solia dir Howe Gelb) per cantar-li una cançó a l´aeroport a l´al.lota que els hi facturava els vols a Palma!. Eren gent encantadora...
vídeo #3: H.C.O.C. interpretant "Long Way Home" de Tom Waits:
4) Jolie Holland - WFW 2009
vídeo (#4) de "Mexico City" (tal vegada la millor cançó publicada l´any 2008?).
Fixau-vos bé amb els llavis de na Jolie, en segons quins gestos semblen els de n´Elvis!...
Jack and Edie lying across my bed
Flying high like the spirits of the dead
The living and the dead, the living and the dead
Flying high like the spirits of the dead
The living and the dead, the living and the dead
Our Lady of Sorrows and the long dark night
How many candles could I light
For the living and the dead, the living and the dead?
How many candles could I light
For the living and the dead, the living and the dead?
What's that black smoke rising Jack, is the world on fire?
What's that distant singing, is it a heavenly choir?
Of the living and the dead, the living and the dead
What's that distant singing, is it a heavenly choir?
Of the living and the dead, the living and the dead
I think about you Jack watching the TV
And drinking booze, shame on you, shame on me
But how can we help it there was no where else to go
I sent Julie and Billy out on that long hard road
On that long hard road, on that long hard road
And drinking booze, shame on you, shame on me
But how can we help it there was no where else to go
I sent Julie and Billy out on that long hard road
On that long hard road, on that long hard road
I'm just back from Mexico city
I came back north to Texas to rest my weary head
My true love is fresh from the battle field
Sewing up the dying and carting off the dead
My baby don't stand no fighting amongst the living or the dead
I came back north to Texas to rest my weary head
My true love is fresh from the battle field
Sewing up the dying and carting off the dead
My baby don't stand no fighting amongst the living or the dead
What's that black smoke rising Jack, is the world on fire?
What's that distant singing, is it a heavenly choir?
Of the living and the dead, the living and the dead
The living and the dead, the living and the dead
The living and the dead, the living and the dead
What's that distant singing, is it a heavenly choir?
Of the living and the dead, the living and the dead
The living and the dead, the living and the dead
The living and the dead, the living and the dead
Jolie Holland
Jolie Holland
Published by
5) Dawn Landes - WFW2008
anècdota: el mateix dia que Dawn Landes (i Devon Sproule, veure a continuació) actuava al Centre de Cultura "Sa Nostra" de Palma, Tom Waits ho feia a Barcelona.
vídeo (#5) del tema que dona nom al seu nou àlbum: "Bluebird"
(sorry Dawn: didn´t find the lyrics on internet!; if you want to provide them you can email us. good luck with the new album!)
pd-lletres de Bluebird a la secció comentaris!
6) Devon Sproule - WFW2008
Devon es va inflar a vendre cds després de la seva actuació, on va conquerir al públic amb una desbordant simpatia. L´acompanyava a l´escenari un dels meus instrumentistes favorits: el sol.licitadíssim B.J. Cole (veure www)
vídeo (#6) Devon Sproule amb el seu marit Paul Curreri al show the Jools Holland interpretant el meu tema favorit del seu repertori: "Old Virginia Block"
If my ears hear a sigh of a shiny red violin
Clear by the Rivanna, down in the Blue Ridge.
By the dog bags and trash, by the bottles and cans
And the dead beat brown grass
and the red dirt in the Blue Ridge
Then my home must be around another good old Virginia block.
If my ears hear a note on the cello, so low, then a double stopping bow,
from my headphones, in the Blue Ridge.
Out walking at noon, appearing under the white of the daytime moon,
keeping my big blue balloon in my tight fist, in the Blue Ridge.
Then my home must be around another good old Virginia block.
If my ears hear the sound of a slate rock on the ground,
clicking the drops of the rain coming down, along a front walk, in the Blue Ridge
The rim of dirt on the brim of a brow, the skin of sweat on the handle of a plow,
Miles and miles of tobacco in the south, from a back road, in the Blue Ridge
Then my home must be around another good old Virginia block.
I've got family in Canada, family in New York
I've got friends in every other place I've played
But I can't keep from planting all my plans of family stuff
Down between the weeds in the red dirt clay
And where my ears hear a hundred bees riding that upwarding breeze,
a veil and a bucket by a pair of oak trees,
just another blond kid, in the Blue Ridge.
It's all to make a pattern of love, to roost a lava field of white doves,
with just a pitch fork and a pair of thick gloves,
for your whole life, in the Blue Ridge
The pick up and go - the bent back and the grunt-chucked coal,
The gleam of your white underclothes, in the back seat, in the Blue Ridge
The pile of bacon by a couple fried eggs, kiss marks and hearts on a picnic table leg,
The quartet fretting on up in my head, on my long walk, through the Blue Ridge.
And my home comes up around another good old Virginia block.
Clear by the Rivanna, down in the Blue Ridge.
By the dog bags and trash, by the bottles and cans
And the dead beat brown grass
and the red dirt in the Blue Ridge
Then my home must be around another good old Virginia block.
If my ears hear a note on the cello, so low, then a double stopping bow,
from my headphones, in the Blue Ridge.
Out walking at noon, appearing under the white of the daytime moon,
keeping my big blue balloon in my tight fist, in the Blue Ridge.
Then my home must be around another good old Virginia block.
If my ears hear the sound of a slate rock on the ground,
clicking the drops of the rain coming down, along a front walk, in the Blue Ridge
The rim of dirt on the brim of a brow, the skin of sweat on the handle of a plow,
Miles and miles of tobacco in the south, from a back road, in the Blue Ridge
Then my home must be around another good old Virginia block.
I've got family in Canada, family in New York
I've got friends in every other place I've played
But I can't keep from planting all my plans of family stuff
Down between the weeds in the red dirt clay
And where my ears hear a hundred bees riding that upwarding breeze,
a veil and a bucket by a pair of oak trees,
just another blond kid, in the Blue Ridge.
It's all to make a pattern of love, to roost a lava field of white doves,
with just a pitch fork and a pair of thick gloves,
for your whole life, in the Blue Ridge
The pick up and go - the bent back and the grunt-chucked coal,
The gleam of your white underclothes, in the back seat, in the Blue Ridge
The pile of bacon by a couple fried eggs, kiss marks and hearts on a picnic table leg,
The quartet fretting on up in my head, on my long walk, through the Blue Ridge.
And my home comes up around another good old Virginia block.
7) Eilen Jewell - WFW2008
Sempre serà un orgull per Waiting For Waits que el debut a Espanya d´Eilen Jewell (aviat entrarà en el club de les grans dames de l´Americana junt amb Lucinda Williams i Gillian Welch) fos al teatre Xesc Forteza de Palma.
vídeo (#7) de "Santa Fe"
vos ben assegur que amb els anys serà considerada una les millors cançons d´Americana de tots els temps(si no ho és ja!)
You picked up a broken bottle
In case anyone gave us any trouble
And we walked all the way back to Cortez
You sang help me dear doctor
At the top of your lungs
You'd been soaking up drink like a sponge
Little boy down the street
We all heard you mournfully
Call again and again for Roberta
The mountain towns burned red
Consumed by a sunset
I'd be happy disappearing under colors like that
And I fell in love with trains,
Haunted by the old refrain
You ride the Southern, I'll ride the Santa Fe
Santa Fe
It was wrong of me to leave
'Cause I couldn't stand a perfect thing
But I was too young to know any better
And I'd give the world if it were mine
To let these memories slip my mind
And wake up next to you one more time
One more time
In case anyone gave us any trouble
And we walked all the way back to Cortez
You sang help me dear doctor
At the top of your lungs
You'd been soaking up drink like a sponge
Little boy down the street
We all heard you mournfully
Call again and again for Roberta
The mountain towns burned red
Consumed by a sunset
I'd be happy disappearing under colors like that
And I fell in love with trains,
Haunted by the old refrain
You ride the Southern, I'll ride the Santa Fe
Santa Fe
It was wrong of me to leave
'Cause I couldn't stand a perfect thing
But I was too young to know any better
And I'd give the world if it were mine
To let these memories slip my mind
And wake up next to you one more time
One more time
Segona entrega al 2015: Josephine Foster, the one and only Lisa Germano, Jesca Hoop, etc...
Que no quedi per femelles fent versions de TW:
ResponEliminaaprofitant que hi ha una recopilació feta de tres CD's dobles...
Astrid Seriese - Yesterday Is Here
Jenny Choi & Sanawon - Time
Diana Krall - The Heart Of Saturday Night
Lovorka Holjevac & Elevator Freak Show - Temptation
Mélanie Rivaud & Strange Weather - Another Man's Vine
Cibelle - Green Grass
Carla Bozulich - On The Nickel
Astrid Seriese & Peter Meuris - Down Down Down
Vamosbabe & Pascal Fricke - Bronx Lullaby
Lisa Bassenge Trio - Ol' '55
10.000 Maniacs - I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You
Janelle Lauer - Chocolate Jesus
Carol Grimes - New Coat Of Paint
Megan Mullally - Ruby's Arms
Claire Martin - Old Boyfriends
Astrid Seriese - Blow Wind Blow
Christine Collister - Dirt In The Ground
Rena Strober - Shiver Me Timbers
Carla Borghetti - The Part You Throw Away
Claudia Bettinaglio - Wrong Side Of The Road
Laura Zakian - Broken Bicycles
The Silver Hearts - Diamonds And Gold
Gina Fabiani - Ol'55
Frente! - Ruby's Arms
Maria João & Mário Laginha - Tom Traubert's Blues
Liz Durrett - November
Karen Lanaud - The Heart Of Saturday Night
Mantel Band - Yesterday Is Here
Mélanie Rivaud & Strange Weather - The Fall Of Troy
Anna Ternheim - Anywhere I Lay My Head
Sally Strawberry - Fumblin' With The Blues
Nanci Griffith - San Diego Serenade
Lisa Bassenge Trio - I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You
Nanci Griffith - Grapefruit Moon
Lovely Lise - The Heart Of Saturday Night
Astrid Seriese - Underground
Neko Case - Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis
Sharon Zachariah - Yesterday Is Here
Anha Kondritz - Blue Valentines
Etta Scolla - Crescere Non Mi Va (I Don't Wanna Grow Up)
Sarah McLachlan - Ol' 55
Lucinda Williams - Hang Down Your Head
Linda Thompson - Day After Tomorrow
Lana Lane - Innocent When You Dream
Sally Norvell - Please Call Me, Baby
The Blacks - Poncho's Lament
Sarah Rose - Time
Christine Collister - Broken Bicycles
Lydia Lunch - Heartattack And Vine
Eleni Mandell - Muriel
Rebecca Disque - Cold Cold Ground
Priscilla Herdman - I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You
Claudia Bettinaglio - Fumblin' With The Blues
Frederic Melis
M´hagués agradta moltíssim que Neko Case actués al WFW , i ja no te dic que hagués fet una versió de sa postal nadalenca de sa puta de Minneapolis...
EliminaA més de totes aquestes dones, na Holy Cole té un disc sencer de versions de TW que no està gens malament
rebut per email de Dawn Landes:
ResponEliminaHi Tomeu!
Yes here you go, they'll be up on my website soon
Bluebird, blue
Flew by caught my eye and I fell in love with blue
Don’t know what to do
Sweet song lead me on I just wanna follow you
Oh, blue
Walk down to the edge of the wood
I know I shouldn’t go but it makes me feel so good
Tall leaves cover me in a hood
and you sing to me da-dee-dee-dee
Oh I feel so understood
Fall in so deep to a warm summer sleep
Caught in a rhyme losing track of the time
No direction to divine
Bluebird, blue
Stay here I know you’re near I just wanna be with you
Don’t know what to do
Your song’s sweet, I forget my feet
Won’t you let me dance with you?
Oh, blue
Take in your flight
on a warm summer night
fly back to me, I’ll forget every need
Just a tangle in the weeds
Bluebird, blue
Flew by caught my eye and I fell in love with blue
Oh, blue
Beautiful song, Dawn!
EliminaSlightly reminds me of the old flavour of Joni Mitchell...
(rebut per correu electrònic de j. a.)
ResponEliminaQuina ràbia haver-me perdut aquestes dones meravelloses!!
(rebut per correu electrònic d´ignasi julià, no vos perdeu el seu blog)
ResponEliminaGràcies, Tomeu!
Stay green indeed…
Ooooh Lisa Germano!!!
ResponEliminaVeig que a na M.W. ni l'esmentes ;-)
na martha wainwright va actuar al 2003...encara queden un parell d´anys per xerrar d´ella! (seguint criteri LIFO: last in first out)