El disc d´avui entra en dues categoríes del bloc d´Orphans Of Waits:
1) és un dels grans discs dins els que es varen publicar (al maig de) fa 40 anys (#7 1974)
2) també té una portada horrorosa (#2)
Vos deix amb el tema que més m´agrada d´aquest clàssic àlbum de R.C., si bé va ser composat per Bob Hilliard i Burt Bacharach, i gravat originalment per The Drifters a l´any 1962.
(En relitat l´unica cançó de Paradise And Lunch escrita pel propi Ry Cooder és "Tattler", que tampoc té desperdici...feis clic AQUÍ).
interpretada per Ry Cooder
It's a sin for you to get a Mexican divorce
Down below El Paso lies Juarez
Mexico is different, like a travel folder says
Cross the Rio Grande and you will find
An old adobe house
Where you leave your past behind
Mexico is different, like a travel folder says
Cross the Rio Grande and you will find
An old adobe house
Where you leave your past behind
One day married, next day free
Broken hearts for you and me
Takes no time for you to get a Mexican divorce
Broken hearts for you and me
Takes no time for you to get a Mexican divorce
As I came into this lonely house last night
I looked at all my windows but I couldn't find one light
I found you on that road to Mexico
And now, my love, I beg
Please, oh, please, don't go
I looked at all my windows but I couldn't find one light
I found you on that road to Mexico
And now, my love, I beg
Please, oh, please, don't go
One day married, next day free
Broken hearts for you and me
It's a sin for you to get a Mexican divorce
Broken hearts for you and me
It's a sin for you to get a Mexican divorce
Finding love takes so long
Walking out, well, must be wrong
It's a sin for us to get a Mexican divorce
Walking out, well, must be wrong
It's a sin for us to get a Mexican divorce
One day married, next day free
Broken hearts for you and me
It's a sin for you to get a Mexican divorce
Broken hearts for you and me
It's a sin for you to get a Mexican divorce
Published by
Lyrics © BOURNE CO.
Lyrics © BOURNE CO.
pd: recordau que podeu enviar suggerències de portades horroroses de discs que vos agradin molt al correu orphans.of.waits@gmail.com
rebut per email de Santi Comelles (felicitats per la paternitat!):
ResponElimina"malgrat tingui un punt kitsch (per no dir Western de Serie-B), a mi la portada del LP "Paradise and Lunch" sempre m'ha agradat. :o)"