dimecres, 7 de maig del 2014

Thelma "la barraleta" (Lady Taurus #10)

(L´entrada d´avui està dedicada a un entranyable barralet, que cada estiu té per costum ballar davall d´un garrover la cançó que escoltareu a continuació. La lletra en certa manera evoca el que li passarà pel cap a n´Albert quan d´aqui unes setmanes el seu equip sigui carn de segona b..."no me deixis d´aquesta manera")

Una altra cantant taure del catàleg MOTOWN...

Lady TAURUS Track #10
by Thelma Houston
(nascuda el 7 de maig de 1946)

Don't leave me this way
I can't survive
I can't stay alive
Without you love, oh baby
Don't leave me this way, no
I can't exist
I'll surely miss
Your tender kiss
Don't leave me this way
Baby, my heart is full of love and desire for you
Now come on down and do what you've gotta do
You started this fire down in my soul
Now can't you see it's burnin', outta control
Come and satisfy the need in me
'Cause only your good lovin' can set me free
Don't, don't ya leave me this way, no
Don't ya understand
I'm at your command
Oh baby, please
Please, don''t leave me this way
No, baby
Don't leave me this way
I can't survive, I can't stay alive
Without your love
Baby, don't leave me this way
Baby, my heart is full of love and desire for you
So come on down and do what you've gotta do
You started this fire down in my soul
Now can't you see it's burnin', outta control
So Come and satisfy the need in me
Only your good lovin' can set me free
Need your lovin' baby
Satisfy the need in me
Satisfy the need in me...
Hay, Hay Baby
Come satisfy the need in me
Oh, oh, baby
Come satisfy the need in me
Oh, baby
Don't leave me this way
Don't leave me this way

1 comentari:

  1. La versió que ball és la dels entranyables Communards, amb la veu de falset den Jimmy Somerville. Tomeu, ja saps que em va el que denomines temes disco-gays.
    Sobre que cantarem a final de temporada esperarem un poc. I quan dic cantarem em referesc als dos que no sigui que acabem cantant balearicos i barralets el Desparecido den Manu Chao.
