dilluns, 5 de maig del 2014

Heartbreak Hotel for my Missus

Avui és l´aniversari de mestre Martin Simpson (nascut el 5 de maig de 1953 a Scunthorpe, England)

Happy Birthday, Master Martin!

Donat que a sa meva al.lota (que també fa els anys avui) li va caure molt bé Richard Hawley quan va venir a Mallorca com a cap de cartell del Waiting For Waits 2008, i donat que Richard i Martin son grans amics, la cançó del dia és la versió d´un clàssic d´Elvis que els dos músics afincats a Sheffield varen interpretar a la gala dels BBC 2014 Folk Awards:

interpretada per 
Martin Simpson (taure) 
& Richard Hawley (capricorni)

Well, since my baby left me,
I found a new place to dwell.
It's down at the end of lonely street
at Heartbreak Hotel.

You make me so lonely baby,

I get so lonely,
I get so lonely I could die.

And although it's always crowded,

you still can find some room.
Where broken hearted lovers
do cry away their gloom.

You make me so lonely baby,

I get so lonely,
I get so lonely I could die.

Well, the Bell hop's tears keep flowin',

and the desk clerk's dressed in black.
Well they been so long on lonely street
They ain't ever gonna look back.

You make me so lonely baby,

I get so lonely,
I get so lonely I could die.

Hey now, if your baby leaves you,

and you got a tale to tell.
Just take a walk down lonely street
to Heartbreak Hotel.  

Writer(s): Tommy Durden, Elvis Presley, Mae Axton, Arthur Crudup
Copyright: Durden Breyer Publishing, Crudup Music, Sony/ATV Tree Publishing, Unichappell Music Inc.

molts d´anys, Maria("mamà") 

1 comentari:

  1. rebut per email de jaume Bergas "negrei3colors":

    Cullons, quin regal...
